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- TF01
- 3,I Locutus - Part 5
- 4,by Ryan Nicol
- Part Five here, after that long delay. I'm sorry about that, but at
- least now I'll have a new part posted every two days; maybe even
- every day, on occasion.
- At any rate, enjoy:
- Ryan.
- ------------
- by Ryan Nicol
- ---------------
- The Borg were everywhere. And more were still on their way,
- dissecting the Federations most prized vessel, taking it apart and
- adapting it to their own specifications.
- The Borg had a plan, no doubt, but whatever it was, it eluded the
- very upset Klingon Security Chief as he stared down at the
- engineering section, below him, swarming with Borg soldiers.
- He and the five security officers he had taken with him, armed to the
- teeth with phasers, had assigned themselves the task of re-taking
- engineering, getting to the warp reactor, and destroying the ship,
- hopefully taking a large part of the Borg ship with them. Worf knew
- that whether it was through his doing or through the Borg's, the
- Enterprise was doomed. And he preferred if it was through his doing.
- The Klingon security officer considered his next actions, then after
- a pause, stood up and began to move forward, towards the elevator
- that would take him to engineering. No spoken words were needed, and
- his security team followed right behind him.
- As the elevator doors closed behind them, Worf turned to the officers
- before him.
- "No one is to fire until I order it." He said quietly, but almost
- menacingly. "We will make our way towards the warp core reactors,
- and from there start the self-destruct program."
- "And if they've removed that from the memory banks?" One of the
- officers spoke up.
- That would be almost impossible to do, but when it came to the Borg,
- Worf knew all impossibilities had to be considered. "With or without
- the self-destruct, we will find a way to destroy the ship."
- As the elevator came to a halt, Worf quickly ordered the doors not to
- be opened. As if appreciating the Klingon's superiority, the
- computer acceded to his wishes, and they remained secure within the
- confines of the turbo-lift.
- "Ready..." He began, setting his phaser at the highest setting.
- "...and..." His hand hovered over the small handle that would allow
- the doors to be open when pressed.
- The ship rocked violently, throwing all the officers to the floor of
- the elevator, on top of each other. Worf managed to hold onto the
- side of the lift, but after another buffeting, he too joined his team
- in the assortment of arms and legs on the floor.
- Worf reached up for the handle once more, and as the Enterprise shook
- again, managed to open the doors and crawl out, phaser in hand,
- wondering about who would be attacking his ship.
- * * * * * * * *
- "The Borg are powering up their weapons, Captain." The lieutenant
- spoke from his station.
- Shelby continued to stare at the viewscreen, at the cube-shaped ship
- and the galaxy-class starship that hung together in space, orbitting
- the Earth.
- As if in response to the Lieutenant's warning, a powerful beam of
- energy lashed out from the side of the Borg ship.
- "Shields down by 90 percent... 80..."
- "Fire phasers and take out that beam." Shelby ordered, not taking her
- eyes from the image before her.
- "Firing phasers."
- Twin beams of energy lanced out from the USS Garrett, striking the
- Borg ship at the origin of its weapon.
- "We got through their shields, captain, but they are undamaged."
- "Prepare to fire anti-matter spread in..."
- "Captain! the Borg ship is increasing its power to its shields,
- covering the Enterprise with it, to protect it." The lieutenant
- called out.
- So it had been co-opted, Shelby thought. She wondered about Will
- Riker....
- * * * * * * * *
- Worf turned to the tall security officer that stood beside him, at
- the engineering console near the warp reactor coils.
- "Mr DeMont, you will remain here. If you do not hear from me within
- half an hours time, you must drop the seal." Worf stared at him,
- calmly, searching the others face to see that he understood.
- "Aye, sir." DeMont responded. He knew that would be the death-knell
- for the Enterprise - dropping the seal that housed the anti-matter
- was like dropping a lit match in a vat of TNT; even more impressive.
- "And the Borg?"
- Worf glanced over DeMont's shoulder to see if they had been seen. So
- far, so lucky. "From all our previous encounters, the Borg have only
- reacted to our presence when we posed a visible threat." He replied.
- "So long as you don't do anything, they shouldn't be a problem. But,
- just in case, do your best not to be seen."
- DeMont nodded, then turned to seat himself behind the engineering
- console. Worf turned to join the rest of the security team at the
- turbo-lift. So the Borg had covered the Enterprise within its
- shields, he thought. That gave him a little latitude, and the chance
- to get the Enterprise to do more than a little damage to the Borg
- ship when it destructed. All he had to do was get to the Borg ship -
- now possible that they were in their shields - and disrupt the Borg
- consciousness, weaken them. After that, there was plenty of time in
- which to die.
- * * * * * * * *
- Riker froze. There had been a noise, he was sure. As he stood in
- the gloom of one of the long, winding tunnels in the labyrinth that
- was the Borg ship, he listened out for the remotest sound. And then
- he heard it; the sound of distant footsteps clanging on the steel
- gangway on which he was standing. The vibrations from those unseen
- beings' movements shot up Riker's leg. And he was sure they were
- coming for him.
- He was still linked to the Borg; he was sure of it. There was a part
- of him that was in touch with the Whole. They knew where he was and
- what he was doing, but he also knew their directives, sensed their
- group effort and that which they were trying to achieve. Part of it
- was Data; he had sensed that when he stood over Data's remains; he
- had known what had to be done. But a part of their objectives were
- also to stop him - he was a threat, something which could undermine
- the Borg. And that, he knew, could not be tolerated.
- The nightmare of what he had just escaped, and the nightmare of which
- he was now living sent his mind reeling in panic. The memory of all
- those faces lying on those tables, soulless, refused to leave his
- mind's eye. He remembered the face of Goshevon. It was the husk he
- had seen, that outer layer of meat, with nothing on the inside except
- circuitry and an artificialness that chilled him.
- He looked down at that mechanical arm that he held out before him,
- then turned quickly to escape.
- The vibrations had increased greatly now, as those that caused them
- neared. Riker broke into a run. It wasn't much of one, however, as
- he was still incredibly weak. But the thought of returning to that
- table drove him on and kept him moving as fast as his strength would
- allow. Unfortunately, it wasn't fast enough.
- Riker stopped dead in his tracks as he spotted the Borg soldier
- standing before him, a feeling of dread, and a strange notion of
- distant kinship - as vile as it seemed - crept into his mind. One
- and the same. A part of him was still... that.
- He turned to retrace his steps, but halted. Five Borg soldiers were
- nearing him from the other side, trapping him. Frantically, he looked
- at the two options which faced him - charge the one or be taken; for
- him, the latter was not even an option. Riker ran head-long towards
- the one Borg.
- The sound of a phaser screamed past him, accompanied by a beam of
- pure energy, and the Borg before him crumpled. Its place was
- replaced by a team of security men, led by Worf.
- "Commander....!" Worf yelled, as he hesitated, his weapon trained on
- the charging Borg. Then quickly, he ordered: "Hold your fire!"
- Riker reached the group, and turned to face the oncoming Borg.
- Seeing more Borg soldiers lumbering towards them, the security detail
- needed no stimulation to fire. Within seconds, and after changing
- the frequencies of their phasers twice, all five Borg were lying in a
- heap metres away from them.
- Worf looked at Will Riker.
- "It's good to see you, Mr Worf." Riker said, grimly. At Worf's look,
- he added: "I'm fine."
- "No, you're not, Commander." Worf replied.
- Riker nodded. The Borg had made him part of the whole. They had
- taken his soul, but had supplied him with knowledge.
- It's about damn time to use that knowledge against them, he thought.
- * * * * * * * *
- They were getting closer. It was only a matter of time before they
- had him, and Data knew it. He could only delude the consciousness
- for a brief period; throw only so many false leads in their trail
- that they would fall for. He didn't even have seconds before they
- had him, before they rooted him from their lair, like pulling a thorn
- embedded in flesh.
- And yet Will Riker was linked into the Borg consciousness. That gave
- him an edge....
- * * * * * * * *
- Worf moved alongside Riker, slowing down his pace so as to allow the
- Enterprise's First Officer to take the lead, guiding them down the
- maze of passage-ways and steel corridors. He still held his phaser
- in his hand, ready to shoot. Klingons were always on guard, and when
- Worf was to be led down the enemy's ship by a friend who may have
- been compromised - even when that friend was a superior - he was not
- willing to leave things to chance. That was not the mark of a good
- Security Chief.
- "How much further?" Worf asked. He still was unsure of how much of
- Riker's story to believe - that Data was working inside the Borg
- consciousness, supplying him with the necessary information that was
- needed to render the Borg helpless, if that was indeed possible.
- "We're almost there." Riker answered, then pointed to a level above
- them, where a gang-plank extended out of the vast wall towering above
- them. "Data was fed into the Borg whole somewhere along here."
- "Commander!" Worf yelled, lifting his phaser to shoot the two
- oncoming Borg, who had appeared out of nowhere. "Phasers at maximum!"
- "No!" Riker countermanded, eliciting a sharp look from the Security
- Chief. "Fire to stun."
- The security team hesitated for a second, unsure of whose order to
- follow, then aimed and fired. The two Borg soldiers dropped.
- "Commander?" Worf looked at Riker, as if expecting an explanation.
- Riker didn't answer. Instead, he moved forward towards the two Borg.
- Worf followed, then looked down.
- The face of Ard'rian Mackenzie stared up at them; her eyes vacant,
- her head shaven, with an assortment of circuitry covering the left-
- half of her head.
- "Data alerted me to her presence." He said, then moved on. Worf
- turned to two of the security guards and nodded. The two picked up
- the Borg's body and carried it, not without a little difficulty, as
- they hurried after Riker and Worf.
- * * * * * * * *
- "Jean-Luc?" Beverly Crusher walked into the small room, a Borg
- soldier at her side. She had no idea why she had been taken to see
- Picard, but she was happy nevertheless. No one had seen the captain
- for quite some time. The Borg made sure no one neared him. But now
- that all had changed, and she had no idea why. The Borg soldier
- turned and left, leaving her alone with the alien, yet so familiar,
- figure before her.
- "That being no longer exists."
- Bev Crusher felt a chill run up her spine, as Jean-Luc Picard moved
- out of the shadows, towards her. It was him alright, but the way he
- looked at her, with that cold intensity as if he were studying a
- gnat....
- "You are the Doctor."
- "Who are you?" She didn't want to know, but somehow it seemed
- insanely appropriate to ask.
- "I am Locutus of Borg." It responded. "We have reached the
- culmination of our plans. Earth has been assimilated; we now require
- my presence to speak for the rest of the colonies and worlds of the
- Federation. The process that resulted in my rebirth have proven
- successful. That is why you are here."
- Crusher hesitated, not sure what this creature wanted with her, but
- hoping for a sign of some glimmer of Picard, a side she could appeal
- to. But there was none.
- "You will aid the Borg in the assimilation of those on this vessel.
- You will help the Borg transmit the virus into those who will join
- us."
- "I refuse." She said, realising the futility of the statement.
- "Your refusal is irrelevant. You will comply with all the demands of
- the Borg." Locutus replied. "Once you have been assimilated into the
- Borg, you will aid us in all avenues open to you."
- With that, he lifted a device that he held in his hand. It looked
- like a syringe, not quite like a hypospray.
- "You will be one with the Borg." It said, moving with slow
- determination towards her.
- * * * * * * * *
- "Can we not order them to self-destruct?" Worf asked, curiously, as
- he and Riker stood before the vast array of terminals.
- Riker shook his head, and replied: "According to Data, the Borg have
- altered their command structure, so any command that could compromise
- them in the slightest has to be unequivocally agreed to by all the
- Borg. We can't supply them with the idea to go to sleep again,
- either."
- "What is there left to tell them besides this?" Worf asked in
- frustration, holding his phaser.
- "Not much." Agreed Riker, then turned back to the terminal in front
- of which he was standing. "But the Borg are spread over the entire
- ship, and in order to run their operation smoothly with as little
- damage to the Whole if one section is destroyed, the have to have
- certain distribution points, which they can cut off when one or a few
- of the Borg members have been compromised."
- "Such as when they self-destruct?" Worf asked, remembering the Borg
- soldier he had shot in the engineering section when Q had flung them
- into battle with the Borg.
- Riker nodded. "According to Data, that can also be done on a group
- level, where whole sections can be destroyed if they are
- compromised."
- "Such decisions could not be made by unanimously." Worf caught on.
- "They could not rely on the compromised section to agree to their own
- destruction."
- "Naturally." Riker concurred. "A section that was compromised could
- allow those who compromised them access to stop them from being
- destroyed."
- "Commander!" It was one of the security officers. "My tricorder reads
- over forty Borg soldiers moving in this direction. Others are also
- on their way!"
- So they had cottoned on to their plan, Riker thought grimly. That
- didn't leave him much time, but with Data's help, supplying him with
- the necessary information to operate these terminals....
- A phaser whined behind him, and Worf turned, his own phaser in his
- hand and ready to fire.
- "Give me some time!" Riker yelled to Worf, above the noise of the
- phaser beams.
- To Worf it seemed as if the entire Borg ship had come alive. They
- were coming in from all directions, swarming in on them, without
- mercy. He fired, felling several Borg, but never enough. The Borg
- kept coming, walking over their fallen comrades with little if any
- care, with one purpose in mind. From the corner of his eye, he saw a
- Borg reach one of his security team members, smashing the officers
- body against a large terminal. He fired again, but this time the
- Borg had adapted....
- "More time!" Riker yelled from the terminal at which he was working.
- The Borg were within metres of them, as the rest of his team fell
- back, closing themselves around their security chief and first
- officer. They continued to dispense their phasers' energy supplies,
- tossing the powerless ones aside and reaching to their belts for
- others. And still the Borg came.
- "A few more minutes!" Riker shouted above the raucous.
- "Minutes!" Worf shot a horrified glance at his First Officer.
- "Commander, we don't have seconds!"
- The white faces surrounded them, straight from the crypts of their
- individual slots in the Borg walls. Their large mechanical arms
- reached out before them, their targets in their sights....
- "Commander!"
- "Just a few...!" The Borg soldiers, all of them, fell. In their
- pile of metal and flesh, they lay there unmoving, staring off into
- space ahead of them, eyes unseeing.
- "Commander?" Worf looked at the Borg soldiers surrounding them, as
- lifeless as the bodies on the table.
- "Their distribution points have been cut off." Riker explained, after
- a slight sigh. "Each section can no longer communicate with each
- other."
- "Not a moment too soon." Worf muttered, looking at the comatose Borg
- soldiers stretching all around them as far as the eye could see.
- * * * * * * * *
- "Captain, the Borg ship has powered down totally! Shields, weapons,
- everything!" The Lieutenant next to Shelby said, totally aghast.
- Shelby moved over beside him, staring at the instruments and their
- readings.
- "And the Enterprise?" She asked.
- The Lieutenant checked his sensors, then said, not without a little
- surprise in his voice: "Sir, the Enterprise shields are up, but she
- is reading a far larger amount of power than she should have any
- rights to have!"
- Shelby stared at her viewscreen for a moment. There the Enterprise
- and the large cube-shaped ship hung in space, orbitting the almost-
- destroyed Earth. Decisions.
- "Mr Felmers, you'll take an Away Team over there; see what the hell
- is going on."
- The Lieutenant looked up, a look of worry crossing his face. "Over...
- there?"
- "That's right, Lieutenant. So move it."
- As Felmers exited the Bridge, Shelby wondered what rabbit Picard had
- managed to pull out of the hat this time.
- * * * * * * * *
- Locutus stared out at the stars from the window before him. They were
- on their way, he knew. After all, he was in contact with them.
- Their recent loss was merely a slight setback in the master-plan.
- They were on their way, this time in force, and they wouldn't be
- stopped. And this Galaxy-class ship, the pride of the Federation,
- was to lead it to its grave.
- * * * * * * * *
- Beverly Crusher watched the Borg standing over her, making sure she
- did not leave Sickbay; not that she was going to. Locutus had
- injected her with the virus, and she was well on her way to becoming
- a Borg. Already the process had been set into motion; she realised
- this after she performed a quick brain scan on herself. Sure enough,
- her individual brain cells were being overridden; supplemented with
- those suitable for a Borg; a soulless creature.
- Nor did the Borg have to be connected to the whole through mechanical
- means anymore. This "bug", as Locutus had explained it to her,
- formed their own links to the Borg whole without the necessary
- machinery and distribution nodules. That was why the Borg on the
- Enterprise, all of whom had been injected with the virus before being
- beamed to the starship, still functioned with their mothership shut
- down. Naturally, Locutus had said, they would still be assimilated
- into the whole, connected to machines and certain body parts being
- supplanted with mechanical features - that improved functioning; the
- thought of "mechanical features" being attached to her pushed her on.
- There's no way in Hell I'm becoming one of you, she thought, studying
- the inner workings of the virus. A weak link, somewhere.
- Somewhere....
- * * * * * * * *
- Riker felt the familiar, reassuring feeling of a transporter beam
- envelop him. The last time he had felt that was on Beta Auriquae V,
- in a Borg transporter beam - it seemed so long ago....
- "Will!"
- He looked up to see himself staring into the eyes of Captain
- Elizabeth Shelby. Obviously, she hadn't been expecting her Away Team
- to be bringing back... this.
- "Captain." He said, forcing a smile. "Even the position of first
- officer isn't enough, huh?"
- Only then he noticed Worf's arm holding onto his, propping him up.
- "Get him to Sickbay." Shelby said, turning to the medics who had just
- entered with a mobile diagnostic bed.
- Gently, he was placed on the bed, and rushed out of the transporter
- room.
- "Captain!" A voice over the intercom boomed.
- "This ship is more busy than the Enterprise." She muttered to Worf,
- then called out: "What is it, Mr Granger?"
- "Sensors are picking up two ships, heading this way... at Warp nine.
- Readings indicate they are Borg."
- * * * * * * * *
- Riker stared across the Sickbay area to the diagnostic bed where
- doctors were working. Every now and then, he caught a glimpse of
- Ard'rian Mackenzie's pale face, staring upwards into nowhere. He
- could have been like that, if it hadn't been for Data. Data... He
- had been left alone on the Borg ship, his body pieces having been
- brought with them to the USS Garrett. But his consciousness....
- "How are you feeling, Commander?" Shelby looked over from him,
- catching him off-guard.
- He looked away from where Ard'rian Mackenzie lay, and up at the red-
- headed captain. "What Captain Picard felt when he went through it.
- What he's feeling now..."
- "You know?" Shelby looked slightly flustered.
- "Worf told me while we were on the Borg ship." Riker whispered, then
- asked: "And you?"
- "I heard from Admiral Ranklin, in other words Starfleet command."
- Riker frowned. "How is that possible? We only found out..."
- Shelby nodded, slowly. "They knew, Will. That's why they stopped
- offering commands to you after that incident at Wolf 359, even when
- we needed good captains to make up for the ones we'd lost."
- She sighed, but from the look on Riker's face, continued: "They knew
- about it from Captain Picard's medical files, but kept it quiet. I
- think those who knew thought they could use it to get at the Borg
- again, once the Borg had set the virus off and he became Locutus. It
- seems to have backfired completely, though."
- "They knew?" Riker repeated, not quite comprehending what he had just
- heard. All that time since Wolf 359, he had never been offered
- another post. To keep him on the Enterprise, to be at hand in case
- something happened to Picard, no doubt, to be able to use the
- situation as he had previously. But that hadn't worked. The Borg
- got him first.
- "We're all pawns, Will." Shelby muttered. "And when it comes to
- survival, and the Borg, Starfleet also plays dirty."
- Worlds apart, yes. But Riker wondered how much lowering of ones own
- standards it would take to defeat the Borg. Starfleet had lowered
- itself below any moral decency, and it had backfired all the way back
- to Earth.